Alonzo Gallegos

Alonzo Gallegos

Alonzo's family ties go back 400 years connected to La Cienega Village and the Rael Family. He is a cattle permittee on both BLM and USFS allotments. Alonzo raises sheep in both La Cienga and La Bajada. He is the primary reason the Caja del Rio Plateau has such a well developed piped water system feeding dozens of cattle tanks that benefit both livestock and wildlife alike. Alonzo is a certified organic farmer who has grown commercially for over 25 years starting in 1967 at the Santa Fe Farmer's Market. He is an acequia parciante on La Bajada Community Ditch and member of the Acequia Association. Alonzo is also a member of the State and National Cattle Growers Association. He is the President of Caja del Rio Majada Coop, marketing member of NM Algae LLC. Alonzo is a father of 3 and grandfather of 12. Alonzo now lives in La Bajada Village.

Watch Alonzo's Full Interview

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